How to create an FAQ video your customers will love

Damian Saunders

In this article we’ll explain how to create an FAQ video as a nice, and effective, alternative to text based FAQ sections because your Customers will always have questions, and that’s a good thing.

In all businesses there will be a number of questions that come up all the time, quite naturally, as customers navigate your sales process to make buying decisions. It makes good sense to document those questions, and their respective answers, in an FAQ page, or section, on your website. It’s easy to direct them to your FAQ page where they can learn more about your company. But what if there was a better way to deliver the content, a more interesting, and memorable way?

This is where FAQ Videos come into play.

I don’t know about you but I find videos a lot easier, especially when it comes to understanding how to do something. I find I retain the information easily, and I can rewind and repeat sections if I need to. 

I also like to use them for FAQ’s, explainers, and lately I’ve been using them for design walkthroughs, developer briefings, and more. It’s a great way to add some personality to your responses, better interactivity with your team, and they create more of a connection between your business, you, and your customers.

For example, imagine you are selling a product, perhaps something like prepackaged ingredients for a meal, and one of your most frequently asked questions is how to prepare that meal. You could have a written guide, but sometimes that’s a lot to read, and there’s always ambiguity with instructions and methods.

Demonstrating how to prepare the product in a video instead gives the customer a more comprehensive answer to their question, it’s a more engaging, and positive, experience for the customer.

So, let’s get started on how to create your first FAQ video.

1. Make a list of your questions:

Gather up all the questions you most frequently get asked then decide which ones you would want to answer with a video. 

2. Write a script:

It’s a great idea to write out a script so you can practice saying you answer out loud. I find, given the nature of the videos I make (conversational and project specific) I can pretty much ‘wing it’ now I’m comfortable with my process and have run through it a few times, but listing the key points in Notes or similar helps keep things on point.

3. Practise a few times: 

This is important in the early stages of creating your FAQ videos while you become comfortable with the process. Get used to talking to the camera, and importantly pay attention to how you present yourself. Be sure the camera angle is set so it appears you are talking directly to the person viewing the content.

4. Set up a good location:

Find a good place to record your video. It’s important that you look good, and in my experience it doesn’t take much effort to ensure you are well lit, your audio quality is acceptable, and you’re nicely in the frame (and no one is looking up your nose – don’t get me started…).

5. Record your video:

While some of us have taken the opportunity to invest in a little extra equipment the truth is you don’t need to. Our mobile phones have powerful media creation capability, you can simply unlock your phone and start recording. Once you get into it it’s actually a lot of fun.

6. Edit your video:

Personally I like to get my videos done in one take to avoid too much editing, but when editing is required most computers, and smart phones come with video editing software that is more than suitable for the task.

My personal favorite recording and editing tool, given I do most of my recording at my desk, and doing videos of website and marketing applications, is (no, it’s not an affiliate link, I just like to use it). It’s simple to use and share your video, there’s a free plan, and even the business plan is very affordable.

7. Share your video:

Once you’ve completed your video you can upload it to your website’s FAQ page. Remember to share it via Social Media for greater reach.

Damian Saunders

Damian Saunders is the CEO and principal developer at WebFoundations. He gained Technical, Management and Customer Support expertise working for leading IT companies including Fujitsu, Compaq, HP, and Apple.